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Our packages include comprehensive HubSpot portal audits, email marketing audits, and full and partial execution services. Additionally, we offer various a la carte services that businesses can add to their package, such as content creation, social media management, and paid advertising campaigns. Whether you are looking for a full-service solution or specific services to complement your existing strategy, we offer flexible options that can be tailored to your needs.

$ 3000*

Audit Only

A HubSpot or email marketing audit comprehensively analyzes how you use your platform. The goal is to identify areas for improvement and optimization and to develop a detailed strategic plan that aligns with the goals and objectives of your business.

Audits include:

  • Full portal/platform analysis
  • Optimization report of tools
  • Roadmap document 

It starts at $3000, depending on what platform is being used. 

*This is required for all retainer clients.

$ 4000

Email Marketing

We work with your team to execute, continuously monitor and adjust the strategy to ensure it meets its goals and drives engagement and growth.


  • Assist with building email campaigns
  • Analyze each campaign to maximize Opens, Clicks, and Sales.
  • Report of performance metrics of each email sent against previous sends.

Starts at $4000, depending on what platform is being used.

$ 5000

HubSpot Ops

Manage and optimize your use of the HubSpot platform. This includes configuring and customizing the platform, managing integrations, creating workflows and automation, and optimizing reporting and analytics.

HubSpot Ops Includes:

  • Overall execution of full portal.
  • Set up Automation and Workflows
  • Advice on best practices for efficient use of the platform.
  • Onboarding 

Starts at $5000, depending on what HUBs are being used.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is an audit required?

Conducting an audit before beginning any work is essential to an effective email marketing and HubSpot operations strategy. An audit provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the business's campaigns, identifying areas for improvement and opportunities for growth. By conducting an audit before beginning any work, businesses can develop a more targeted and effective strategy, which ensures that all work is aligned with the goals and objectives of the business.

Additionally, an audit helps to establish a baseline for tracking progress and measuring success over time. By understanding the current state of their campaigns, businesses can set realistic goals and track progress toward achieving them. This provides a framework for continuous improvement and optimization, enabling businesses to adapt and evolve their strategies in response to changing market conditions and customer needs.

Overall, conducting an audit before beginning any work is a critical best practice for businesses looking to maximize the effectiveness of campaigns. 

What is a roadmap?

A roadmap is a plan developed following the audit process. It provides a high-level overview of the various campaigns, tasks, and milestones that must be accomplished to achieve the decided-upon goals and objectives. A roadmap strategy may include specific actions such as creating and optimizing email campaigns, developing lead generation strategies, or implementing marketing automation. This provides a framework for tracking progress and measuring success over time and ensures that all work is focused on achieving specific, measurable results.

What does an HubSpot portal audit include?

A complete HubSpot portal audit is a comprehensive analysis of the use of the HubSpot platform. It typically includes examining all aspects of the HubSpot portal, including account setup, website integration, email marketing campaigns, sales and CRM processes, and reporting and analytics. A complete HubSpot portal audit aims to identify areas for improvement and optimization and develop a detailed strategic plan that aligns with the goals and objectives of the business.

Specifically, a full HubSpot portal audit may include a review of the following:

  1. Account setup and management, including the proper configuration of users, teams, and permissions.
  2. Website integration, including the implementation of tracking codes and the use of landing pages and forms.
  3. Email marketing campaigns, including the analysis of email templates, deliverability rates, and click-through rates.
  4. Sales and CRM processes, including lead scoring, pipeline management, and deal tracking.
  5. Reporting and analytics, including analyzing key metrics such as traffic, leads, and conversions.

Once the audit is completed, a detailed report is provided to the business, including recommendations for optimization and improvement and a roadmap for achieving success. This report may include specific recommendations for improving email marketing campaigns, streamlining sales and CRM processes, and optimizing website performance. By conducting a full HubSpot portal audit, businesses can identify areas for improvement and develop a targeted and effective strategy that drives growth and success over the long term.

What is an email marketing audit?

An email marketing audit comprehensively analyzes a business's email marketing campaigns. It typically includes examining all aspects of the email marketing process, including list management, email design and content, deliverability, and performance tracking. A full email marketing audit aims to identify areas for improvement and optimization and develop a detailed strategic plan that aligns with the goals and objectives of the business.

The audit may include a review of the following:

  1. List management, including the quality of the list, segmentation practices, and the use of lead magnets to grow the list.
  2. Email design and content, including the analysis of subject lines, messaging, visuals, and calls to action.
  3. Deliverability, including analyzing email bounce rates, spam complaints, and email open rates.
  4. Performance tracking includes analyzing key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and ROI.

Once the audit is completed, a detailed report is provided to the business, including recommendations for optimization and improvement and a roadmap for achieving success. This report may include specific recommendations for improving list management practices, optimizing email design and content, and improving deliverability and email performance. 

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