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HubSpot Audit

What is exactly is a HubSpot Audit?

full portal audits

Comprehensive HubSpot audits are our way to help our clients maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of working inside the HubSpot platform.

Our HubSpot audits are conducted by a team of experienced marketing professionals certified in using the platform.

We take a thorough, data-driven approach to evaluating your current HubSpot setup, identifying improvement areas, and providing optimization recommendations throughout your HubSpot portal.

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HubSpot Audits Include

Depending on what Hubs your portal is using some audits may be more extensive than others.


This audit is a comprehensive analysis of a business's use of the HubSpot Marketing Hub platform, which is designed to help businesses create and execute effective inbound marketing campaigns. It typically includes examining all aspects of the Marketing Hub, including account setup, website integration, email marketing campaigns, lead generation and management, and reporting and analytics. A HubSpot Marketing Hub audit aims to identify areas for improvement and optimization and develop a detailed strategic plan that aligns with the goals and objectives of the business.

  • Account structure and organization
  • Email and marketing automation campaigns
  • Landing pages and forms
  • Social media integration
  • Lead generation and conversion
  • Website integration and tracking


This audit is a comprehensive analysis of a business's use of the HubSpot Sales Hub platform, which is designed to help businesses improve their sales processes and drive growth. It typically includes examining all aspects of the Sales Hub, including account setup, contact management, deal tracking, and reporting and analytics. A HubSpot Sales Hub audit aims to identify areas for improvement and optimization and develop a detailed strategic plan that aligns with the goals and objectives of the business.

Specifically, a HubSpot Sales Hub audit may include a review of the following:

  1. Account setup and management, including the proper configuration of users, teams, and permissions.
  2. Contact management, including the contact database quality, segmentation practices, and lead scoring.
  3. Deal tracking, including the use of pipeline management, deal stages, and deal tracking.
  4. Reporting and analytics, including analyzing key metrics such as sales performance, revenue, and deal close rates.


This audit is a comprehensive analysis of a business's use of the HubSpot Service Hub platform, which is designed to help businesses deliver excellent customer service and support. It typically includes an examination of all aspects of the Service Hub, including account setup, ticketing management, knowledge base, and reporting and analytics. A HubSpot Service Hub audit aims to identify areas for improvement and optimization and develop a detailed strategic plan that aligns with the goals and objectives of the business.

Specifically, a HubSpot Service Hub audit may include a review of the following:

  1. Account setup and management, including the proper configuration of users, teams, and permissions.
  2. Ticketing management, including the quality of the ticket database, ticket routing and escalation, and ticket response time.
  3. Knowledge base, including the quality of articles and how well they address customer needs and concerns.
  4. Reporting and analytics, including analyzing key metrics such as customer satisfaction, ticket volume, and response time.

Multi-Hub Audit

A complete HubSpot portal audit is a comprehensive analysis of the use of the HubSpot platform. It typically includes examining all aspects of the HubSpot portal, including account setup, website integration, email marketing campaigns, sales and CRM processes, and reporting and analytics. A complete HubSpot portal audit aims to identify areas for improvement and optimization and develop a detailed strategic plan that aligns with the goals and objectives of the business.

Specifically, a full HubSpot portal audit may include a review of the following:

  1. Account setup and management, including the proper configuration of users, teams, and permissions.
  2. Website integration, including the implementation of tracking codes and the use of landing pages and forms.
  3. Email marketing campaigns, including the analysis of email templates, deliverability rates, and click-through rates.
  4. Sales and CRM processes, including lead scoring, pipeline management, and deal tracking.
  5. Reporting and analytics, including analyzing key metrics such as traffic, leads, and conversions.

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